
Mitt Romney: I'd Vote For Ron Paul

jaunte12/29/2011 2:23:07 pm PST

re: #183 jamesfirecat

Until the GOP can look itself in the mirror and say “we tried to shift ourselves right as far as we could and it didn’t work, we need to start shifting left” there’s no hope for sanity.

I posted this Daniel Henninger piece from the WSJ this morning:

…if the former Massachusetts governor doesn’t reach out pretty soon to the Paul-Perry-Bachmann Republican protest voters, he may never get them. The longer he waits, the more pressure will build for a third-party challenge that will cost him the election. That it would be led by a Ron Paul or Donald Trump is irrelevant to why these people would vote third party—or stay home.

He thinks Romney needs to go even further to the right.