
Rand Paul Shares His Opinion on Marriage Between Species (We Think He's Against It)

Charles Johnson6/26/2013 5:21:35 pm PDT

Declan McCullagh is distorting the truth again.

If you read the actual article, here’s what Goodin concludes:

I spent the past week weighing the evidence and believe it’s an overstatement for Apple to say that only the sender and receiver of iMessage and FaceTime conversations can see and read their contents. There are several scenarios in which Apple employees, either at the direction of an NSA order or otherwise, could read customers’ iMessage or FaceTime conversations, and I’ll get to those in a moment.

That’s right, he doesn’t say it’s “FALSE” at all, he calls it an overstatement because there are certain special circumstances that might allow someone at Apple to decrypt the direct messages.

“Overstatement” does not equal “false.”

Man, am I getting tired of these fear-mongering ideologues.