
A Glorious New Animated Jam From Snarky Puppy: "Bad Kids to the Back"

retired cynic2/23/2019 12:38:44 pm PST

Back to the Manafort daughters’ hacked texts and the sleazy part we got into some kerfluffle about several threads back:

This is a long, detailed review of the situation! LA Review of Books: Kompromat: Or, Revelations from the Unpublished Portions of Andrea Manafort’s Hacked Texts
By Maya Gurantz

… During his early years as a Republican strategist, Paul Manafort was responsible for Ronald Reagan’s decision to launch his 1980 presidential campaign in Philadelphia, Mississippi — site of the murder of three Civil Rights activists — as a racist dog whistle to white Southern voters. He then built his fortune making dictators and strongmen like Ferdinand Marcos and Jonas Savimbi — torturers and killers of their own people — palatable to American politicians doling out foreign aid…

I didn’t know that. I hated RR for doing that, and here is PM popping up like a disgusting, rotten onion.

…Manafort’s worst behavior may be many things; “banal” hardly seems one of them. Something terrible happened, and no one knows how to say it….

And this article reminded me of the episode where Richard Nixon, recently resigned as Pres, beat Pat so badly she was admitted to the hospital. And Seymour Hersh, who got the tip, didn’t publish it for several reasons, including that he didn’t think it was that big a deal. “I did not think it was a story, I thought it was his business.” Eeek! What about HER business?

Among the links I published several days ago was Emma Best’s releasing the Manafort daughters’ textts as a searchable database.

It appears that these “sleazy texts” have been ignored because they are distasteful, and we don’t know how to address them. A straight shooter like Robert Mueller must have been gagging the entire time he worked with this… person.

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