
The Mighty Thor #126, March 1966

SanFranciscoZionist4/28/2010 8:51:56 pm PDT

re: #221 Spare O’Lake

Who says the only problem is stopping the drug cartels and the criminals? That may be the straw which has finally broken the camel’s back, but the porous border and the ongoing influx of vast numbers of additional honest new illegals seeking employment is the underlying problem which needs to be addressed.

Forgive me if I misunderstood the handwringing about the out of control violence that had Arizonans afeared for their very lives which has come up repeatedly over the past few days.

As far as the noncriminal illegal influx is concerned, I remain deeply dubious that the law will show good results. I doubt any police force has the authority to spread out across the land arresting illegal aliens, and they don’t have the means to process them back across the border without ICE’s support. Arizona police departments are not going to be able to give this the kind of manpower that would be needed to make even a dent in the incomers. If the bulked-up Federal border agents haven’t been able to solve the problem to Arizona’s satisfaction, a few extra collars by Officer Juan sure won’t.