
Breaking: Pacific Tsunami Watch After 7.9 Earthquake Near Samoa

Hawaii699/29/2009 1:06:46 pm PDT

re: #228 avanti

I agree, no excuse, guilty of rape, but legally, I think there is mitigation based on the circumstances of the crime. Could someone just address that issue ?

i.e., if she just thought is was cool, as opposed to knocking her out for example. I’ve admitted I have no legal experience, but I would guess those factors would be considered in a trial.

It’s statutory rape. If she’s not considered legally old enough to consent, it is legally considered “rape”, regardless of whether she gives her consent or not. The age varies from State to State, but
it never dips as low as 13, that I know of.

You could argue that the term “rape” is used too broadly in some cases, but Polanski still engaged in “unlawful sex with a person who was legally too young to give consent”.