
A Profile of Freeman Dyson

Honorary Yooper3/30/2009 3:06:54 pm PDT

re: #15 Sharmuta

Interesting- I’ll have to check that out.

I wonder, however, how Mr. Dyson would feel about anti-science zealots latching onto his ideas to help them promote pseudo-science in the classrooms. Reading this, it sounds like he’s likely not the friend to the IDers they wish he was.

The anti-science zealots have latched onto differing sides in many scientific debates and arguments. They rather enjoyed the punctuated equilibrium versus gradualism debate in evolutionary theory in the 1980s. Consistently, they tried to use the debate to show that there was something wrong with evolutionary theory and that evolution had to be wrong because not all scientists agreed. Stephen J. Gould had quite a bit to write about it in several of his books.