
Paranoid Delusion of the Week

Walter L. Newton2/28/2010 7:53:00 pm PST

re: #236 Fat Bastard Vegetarian

And that’s okay.

Thank you… it was hard at first, admitting in public that I didn’t like The Princess Bride. I use to stalk in alley’s, making little gestures to a passer by, trying to get someone’s attention. If they noticed me, I would whisper… “I hate The Princess Bride.”

I eventually found an agency that worked with social misfits, those of us who didn’t like all the popular movies that Hollywood would throw out at us, week on week, relentlessly, and expecting our undivided devotion.

It took time, but the agency was good at this. There were group sessions, one on ones with certain DVD’s and a 24 hour crisis hot line we could call if we felt tempted to put down a current movie.

They threw me out. They couldn’t help me. I was a failure. The hairs still stand up on the back of my neck every time I think of all those Woody Allen movies they kept showing us… telling us… “You like Woody Allen, you like Woody Allen.”

I fell good about myself though… I can stand tall now. I don’t have to hover in dark alleys and dank hallways, hoping someone will come by so I could exert my personal opinion. I can shout it out to the world now…