
A Profile of Freeman Dyson

eon3/30/2009 3:59:46 pm PDT

re: #227 Iron Fist

Man, didn’t they just absolutely fuck up Battlestar Galactica? I loved the first two seasons, then it went downhill fast. Maybe they pulled it out of its tailspin, but I haven’t been able to trouble myself to watch it.

I watched the pilot. Nothing else. I thought it was better than the original (which I really disliked), but not enough to be worth bothering with.

As it went downhill, what I heard led me to conclude that it was just another Hollywood “package”, being used to vent the political views of its creators.

(Tip to same; Get. A. Blog.)

By that time, I had moved, and no longer had satellite or cable. And where SFC is concerned, I didn’t, and don’t, particularly care.

