
Radical Anti-Choice Personhood Groups Host 'Presidential Pro-Life Forum'

Love-Child of Cassandra and Sisyphus12/27/2011 8:35:11 pm PST

Townhall is highlighting the latest Buchanan column “Whose Country Is It Anyway” in which PaleoPat concludes:

What are these Christmas-bashers, though still a nominal minority, saying to Christians with their mockery and ridicule of the celebration of the birth of Christ?

“This isn’t your country anymore. It is our country now.”

The question for Christians is a simple one: Do they have what it takes to take America back?

Finally, someone admits what all this Tea Partying talk of taking “America back” is all about - religious war. Explicitly, Buchanan admits that “taking back” America means making the US a clearly Christian nation.

It took them long enough to admit it.