
A Glorious New Animated Jam From Snarky Puppy: "Bad Kids to the Back"

Hecuba's daughter2/23/2019 3:07:15 pm PST

Typical Bernie nonsense from a FB feed I can access:

Bernie knows his stuff because he’s lived it for his entire life. The others sound like bad actors reciting memorized lines. And it leads to the inevitable blunders of insincerity, as when Kamela Harris had to retract her comment about getting rid of insurance companies. Bernie doesn’t make those blunders. His honesty, sincerity and convictions will beat Trump’s worn tirades of insults and hatred.

Liberals are now the largest demographic in the Democratic Party by a whopping 11%. The relevant question is, will moderate voters and the corporate Democrat Establishment support a Democrat Socialist nominee, i.e. Sanders?
Hopefully they’ll put their money where their own mouths have been.
Ps … it’s also extremely hypocritical how moderates never excoriate conservative Democrats who actually vote for Republicans like Reagan, the Bushes and Trump, even when the party establishment puts forward their precious milquetoast moderates like Mondale, Gore, Kerry and HC.