
Video: Eyewitness Provides New Details in Trayvon Shooting

jaunte3/30/2012 11:38:19 am PDT

re: #2 Hoodies for Justice. T

Anderson Cooper: What did you observe after the shot?

Eyewitness: As I said it was dark, but after the shot, obviously someone, one man got up and it was kind of like that period of him – I can’t say I actually watched him get up – but maybe it was only in a couple seconds or so that he was walking towards where I was watching. And I could see him a little bit clearer, and see that he was a Hispanic man and he was, you know, he didn’t appear hurt or anything else, he just kind of seemed very, worried or whatever, walked on the sidewalk at that point, with his hand up to his forehead and then another man came out with a flashlight.