
Radical Anti-Choice Personhood Groups Host 'Presidential Pro-Life Forum'

The Ghost of a Flea12/27/2011 8:59:38 pm PST

and here’s the funny bit;

My father is 67, a Marine and a Republican. (63+ / 0-)
There’s no love lost between himself and hippies of any sort (the greatest disappointment of his life was that his son turned out to be a hippie—but we’ve worked through that), but OWS has really opened his eyes.
He told me how he NEVER thought the United States would end up like this: with limited oppprtunities for most and almost all the money in the hands of a few.
“I respect these kids’ non-violent approach,” he said to me. “But do you really think the richies are gonna just give back what they stole? Hell, no. They’re gonna have to have it TAKEN from them, by force. It’s gonna get ugly. And all we can hope is that it doesn’t get French Revolution ugly.”
By the way, if you’re wondering, he also said “I ain’t votin’ for NONE o’ them crazy fuckers this time. They’re not Republicans. They’re just plain-ass crazy.”

What’s lacking in the KosKids comments that’s present in the elaborately detailed fantasies of Breitbart, Beck (who’s written multiple novels based around fantasies of right wingers using political violence to save America), Bill O’Reilly (another novel writer) and the consumer base that supports them is that element of arousal—that porn-y anticipation and excitement at the prospect of what’s oncoming.

Except this one douche:

Burn. It. The. Fuck. Down. (2+ / 0-)
Burn it the fuck down.
Burn it the fuck down!