
Paranoid Delusion of the Week

Killgore Trout2/28/2010 8:05:58 pm PST

re: #248 ryannon

Ferguson claims Germany was Europe’s most anti-militarist country)[14

Ferguson claims Germany posed no threat to Britain before 1914, and that all British fears of Germany were due to irrational anti-German prejudices)

Another controversial aspect of the Pity of War was Ferguson’s use of counterfactual history. Ferguson presented a counter-factual version of Europe under Imperial German domination that was peaceful, prosperous, democratic and without ideologies like Communism and fascism[27]. In Ferguson’s view, had Germany won World War One, then the lives of millions would have been saved, something like the European Union would have been founded in 1914, and Britain would have remained an empire and the world’s dominant financial power[27]. .
Replacing the personal income tax, corporate income tax, FICA payroll tax, estate tax, and gift tax with a 33% Federal Retail Sales Tax (FRST), plus a monthly rebate, amounting to the FRST a household with similar demographics would pay if its income were at the poverty line. See also: FairTax;

Loon and historical revisionist. But since he’s predicting the end of America the wingnuts all of a sudden think he’s a genius. Good luck with that. I hope it doesn’t work out for you.