
C2C: F.U.Y.A

Slumbering Behemoth Stinks12/29/2011 6:38:39 pm PST

And in other news, as of June this year, Bill Maher is still a fucking idiot:

Speaking to CNN’s Anderson Cooper, Maher said if he had to choose a Republican to vote for, it would be the congressman from Texas.

“I’d vote for Ron Paul, if I had to pick,” he said. “I mean, Ron Paul is at least not a panderer. He’s sincere. He’s got the right ideas about getting our troops home. You know, I like Ron Paul. I think that he is a cut from a different cloth than the rest of those people who are, of course, selling their souls to the corporate interests that back them and have just horrible society-killing ideas about America and either don’t know what’s real or don’t care.”