
The Impeachment Trial of Donald Trump: Day 6 - Republican Lawyers Lie Some More

Dangerman1/27/2020 3:01:37 pm PST

re: #310 LeftyRambles2413 (HappyWarrior)

I love it because they hate when someone suggests Bernie isn’t electable but they’re fine with using “vote for Bernie, he’s the most electable” argument when it suits their cause. I’m actually more bullish on Bernie’s electability than many here are I concede but it’s still a terrible argument. Why? Because no one has convinced me yet that Bernie would be a good President. They just have “Well Bernie has great ideas.” Okay, show me how he’s going to get them passed in Congress, show me how his DOJ is going to win the battles with Republican attorney generals when they inevitably sue, etc. Really, if you want radical change, Bernie Sanders is the last person you should want as President. FDR and LBJ, the two most accomplished Dems on the legislative side weren’t radicals, they did however understand how to pass legislation. Something I have seen no evidence that Sanders is even average at let alone capable of being a catalyst for great change. If they really want to shake things up, they can focus locally first but they haven’t really done that with a few exceptions, AOC.

we’ve said before,
bernie will likely not bring a dem senate with him.
certainly not a 67 senate
he’ll get none of his agenda done

second, in the general, the R’s will tar and feather him as a ‘socialist”
not a ‘democratic socialist” which is only a hair less worse
they’ve been saying “we wont let the socialists take over’ for years

as a progressive, there are enough d’s that he won’t do as poorly as mcgovern
but it wont be much better