
The Bob Cesca Podcast: The Magical Unicorn Candidate

JC12/23/2024 7:05:46 am PST

re: #347 Nerdy Fish

I love how all these guys have confidently declared themselves the arbiters of “the point of sex.” Nowhere in the Bible does it declare that sex is only procreative - only that adultery is bad. In fact, the Bible doesn’t even specifically declare that premarital sex in and of itself is bad, only that Christians are not to engage in “sexual immorality” - the meaning of which is up for debate. I tend to lean toward an interpretation that means that if sexual activity is drawing you away from God’s purpose, or (in the context of the time in which the passages were written) you are participating in sexual rituals to pagan gods, it is immoral. And again, louder, for the idiots in the back: None of this should be illegal. Christian moral code should not be law; that way is legalism.

Sorry, but who cares what the Bible says? Like seriously? It obviously doesn’t matter to Christians what’s actually in the Bible. Why do we even keep bringing it up? Might as well consider what the Harry Potter books say about anything.