
Video: Donald Trump on Hillary: "If She Were a Man She Wouldn't Get 5% of the Vote"

majii4/26/2016 9:35:43 pm PDT

This guy gets on my very last nerve. McCrory is blaming the democratic city council in Charlotte, the Democratic Party, and the Human Rights Campaign for his signing NC HB2 into law. This sh*t pisses me off to no end. This ratf*cker did what he wanted to do— pass an anti—LGBTQ law. He’s now whining about the “lack of dialogue” on the law. Whine, f*cker, whine. I am so steamed at his blatant dishonesty that it’s affecting my ability to type this. He claims it’s a “coordinated attack” intended to make him lose his bid for reelection. The truth is that he f*cked himself over.

“”The backlash, he said, has allowed for no dialogue on ‘a very complex issue.’ Dissenters to the left-wing position, he said, were being intimidated. Mr. McCrory used the word ‘Orwellian’ twice.” “You’ve got to be politically naïve if you think this is not coordinated by a very effective — a very effective — group,” he said.
“The backlash, he said, has allowed for no dialogue on ‘a very complex issue.’ Dissenters to the left-wing position, he said, were being intimidated. Mr. McCrory used the word ‘Orwellian’ twice.”

“You’ve got to be politically naïve if you think this is not coordinated by a very effective — a very effective — group,” he said.