
The Latest Moronic Right Wing Racist Meme: The "Obama Phone"

Rightwingconspirator9/28/2012 2:50:54 pm PDT

re: #389 JamesWI

Okay so like any enterprise including well run news bureaus they get it wrong sometimes. I hear all about how Politifact is really just MSM via Tampa bay/Miami papers. But the mission matters. Those people are sitting there doing a different job because that is the job they get paid to do. The papers do what they do the fact checkers do what they do. I don’t see that as a reason to dismiss them out of hand. I have not yet seen anyone demonstrate a strong bias at Politifact that mirrors the newspapers that own them. Exactly when they go with mostly false instead of pants on fire is fair grist for the mill. But to take that so far as to say we should ignore or dispense with the factcheckers as a breed is ridiculous to me.

So ridiculous we see the GOP has that exact advice for their base. Ignore the factcheckers. Heh, that’s clear evidence they know the facts are not in their favor. We should keep that exact thing in mind if we think we might say to get rid of the fact checkers. ‘Cause the MSM is not gonna do that checking for us either.

Then of course we have the Annenberg funded & less immediate paced Factcheck. Who happened to agree with the facts surrounding the “lie of the year” at Politifact but certainly did not use that term. “Whopper” was their term. Which confirms for me it was a bald lie to indicate the seniors of today would be hurt by the Ryan voucher plan in the future.