
Paranoid Delusion of the Week

Walter L. Newton2/28/2010 9:06:51 pm PST


From: Bunk
Sent: Sunday, February 28, 2010 9:06 PM
To: Walter L. Newton
Subject: RE: LGF Commentary


I thought I was being cordial enough, although I can’t vouch for other commenters, as even Charles Johnson can’t be held accountable for irrational vitriol. Your post was lifted and posted on Blogmocracy because it was worth reading. Johnson has set his site up to prevent some blogs from linking directly to his posts/comments.

I meant no offense, other than to give you kudos. Apparently you are unable to accept a tip of the hat, and you’ve got some problems that are well concealed.


Bunk X


From: Walter L. Newton
Subject: RE: LGF Commentary
To: “‘Bunk
Date: Monday, March 1, 2010, 4:32 AM


Your whole reply below is a deflection, a dishonest answer in which you don’t even attempt to address anything I pointed out to you.

“Worth reading” is not a reason that would ever stand up in court for stealing a 25 hundred word essay without permission and publishing it.

Anyone wanting to find my essay on LGF could have done it with no problem.

I didn’t ask you to “vouch” for any other commenter’s on your blog. I was simply pointing out to you the bullshit that was being said about me.

I really don’t care if you were being cordial, if you were giving me kudos or what ever. I showed you the true colors of the blog that you represented to me in you email. Would you like to be invited to a blog that made comments about you like that, behind your back, and in regards to something you wrote that you didn’t even know was lifted from you and published?

Nothing is concealed. I am not anonymous, I use my real name, my real phone number is available to anyone who wants it on my website, for a matter of fact, I am quite the bit the shameless self promoter. Since you imply you know what and how I write on LGF, then you should have known before you even attempted to email me that I would not be taken in by your childish invite.

No, nothing is concealed, never was, never will be.

Maybe this email exchange will show up on your blog, or someplace else. You never know where it may show up.

Walter L. Newton


I appreciate your position, and I think I understand why you were offended. I’ll restate that I thought your comments with references were excellent, regardless of what Charles or anyone else said. I forwarded them to other fellow bloggers also.

Blogmocracy is not my blog. I’m a minor sarcastic snarky commenter at best, and the admins have published only two posts of mine out of only two submitted. I’ll forward these emails (unedited except to put them in chronological order) to the admins for a future post, with your permission.


Bunk X