
A Profile of Freeman Dyson

Mostly sane, most of the time.3/30/2009 4:32:28 pm PDT

re: #430 DistantThunder

Question: Any musicians or parents of musicians willing to share how they disciplined themselves to practice regularly, or got their kids to practice without nagging and fighting with them.

We are starting piano, and one son is starting the sax. I’m trying to avoid the whole “mom as shrew” scenario.

I can only speak to piano—we buy them sheet music they will want to play. Our piano teacher works with us on this. At any time, they have stuff she assigns, as well as stuff they picked out. Hedwig’s Theme, Raiders March, Star Wars, etc.

My daughter has, I think, about $50 worth of Enya sheet music. The weird part is that she was a colicky baby, and we used to get her to quiet down by putting in Enya. Hours, and hours, and hours…so she hadn’t heard any since she was a baby.