
Colbert: Zelensky Gets U.S. Battle Tanks; T**** Stands Up for Pence; Fox News Triggered by Xbox

Dangerman1/26/2023 11:50:42 am PST

Trump Has Completely Lost His Grip on Reality

Charles C.W. Cooke: “Let’s check in on the shadow primary for the 2024 Republican nomination. Nikki Haley is putting together a finance committee, and suggested last week that she’s ‘leaning in’ to a run. Mike Pompeo has just published a book called Never Give an Inch, and told CBS yesterday that he’ll decide whether to enter the fray over the ‘next handful of months.’ Governor Ron DeSantis has continued to pick winning fights in Florida since being reelected in a November landslide, and has stayed assiduously quiet about his future.”

“And then there’s Donald Trump, who, despite being the only candidate who has officially announced his bid, is … well, ranting like a deranged hobo in a dilapidated public park. No, don’t look at him — he might come over here with his sign.”

“There was a point in time at which Trump’s unusual verbal affect and singular nose for underutilized wedge issues gave him a competitive edge. Now? Now, he’s morphing into one of the three witches from Macbeth. To peruse Trump’s account on Truth Social is to meet a cast of characters about whom nobody who lives beyond the Trump Extended Universe could possibly care one whit.”