
Robert Stacy McCain's Neo-Nazi Friend May Face Jury Intimidation Trial

darthstar6/29/2010 2:53:06 pm PDT

More RndPaul() looniness:

Paul, a Presbyterian layman, campaigned at a Christian Home Educators of Kentucky convention where he was peppered with questions about his religious beliefs, brushing aside one about the age of the earth that he later described as ridiculous.

“I’m not running for minister,” Paul said later. “I’m more than willing to stand up and say I’m a Christian, but I don’t think I have to go into every detail of what my religious beliefs are. If I were going to be the minister of their church, they’d have a right to ask me that.”

Actually, that’s not a bad answer, Rand. But not answering the question of how old you think the earth is will cause a ripple in the flock. Or are you being advised not to lose the rest of the voting public as the flock is secure no matter what?