
Outrageous Outrages Flowing at Much Higher Rate Than Previously Estimated

SanFranciscoZionist5/30/2010 12:43:17 pm PDT

re: #10 Varek Raith

The Mighty Boosh???
Awesome show.

OK, one BDS story for you all. My father was out to lunch with friends of his, a business associate, and his wife. The wife, let’s call her Mireille, is a French lady of a certain age, tres chic et soignee, who was at the time studying to become a U.S. citizen.

Coming back to her seat from the lady’s room, Mireille tripped and fell. She was somewhat dazed, and the men were trying to figure out if they should rush her to the ER, or if she was all right. Her husband kept asking her questions—what day is it, etc.—and she kept brushing him off.

My father said, “OK, Mireille, let’s try one of your questions from your citizenship test. Who is the President of the United States?”

Mireille pulled herself up to her full height, and said, with great disdain, “Zee eedeeot Boosh!”

They decided she was OK to finish lunch.