
Video: Legal Analyst: Re-Arresting FBI Ex-Informant Highlights How 'Terrified' Prosecutors Are

KGxvi2/23/2024 12:33:05 pm PST

re: #59 lawhawk

Trump’s a guy that most people believe probably paid for a bunch of abortions, but he also supported installing Christian fascists on the courts to push extreme anti abortion positions that would guarantee that they’d roll back Roe. They’d also rule against reproductive health.

That’s the problem.

He can say something like “I support IVF services” but his actions show he’s far more devious and cruel. The media cant’ be bothered to dig into this, because both sides and all.

The GOP is all in on anti-abortion, despite the latest claims by some GOPers claiming support for IVF services (which is impossible to reconcile given that they believe life begins at conception). The AL SCT took this to their logical conclusion, and it reveals just how debased the right wing Christian fascist GOP are - and their goal is to keep rolling back women’s rights.

I don’t think Trump cares about abortion or any social policy. He saw the social conservative/Christian Nationalist movement as something he could exploit for his own gain - so he did. He gave them what they wanted once in office because the issues simply didn’t matter to him, so he could get what he wanted (fame, power, money) without having to give up anything that meant anything to him.