
Robert Stacy McCain's Neo-Nazi Friend May Face Jury Intimidation Trial

Scottish Dragon6/29/2010 2:56:50 pm PDT

Slightly O/T

Jeffrey Goldberg at The Atlantic has been pushing his Saddam Hussein/Al Qaeda story in the face if fierce criticism from Glen Greenwald at Salon. Glen regards Jeffrey as an unprincipled hack who pushed a false story that covered for our war against Iraq, and brought this up to counter jeffrey’s role in the WaPo firing of Dave Weigal.

Jeffrey Goldberg made an unfortunate choice in bringing aboard Eli Lake today to push his Saddam/Al Qaeda schtick today. Eli Lake is a friend and podcaster with the Shrieking Harpy (warning:link to shrieking harpy!) and loves him some radio wacko Mark Levin…

Thought Charles and the rest of the lizards might find this interesting.