
Wednesday Afternoon Open

laZardo6/29/2011 4:36:13 pm PDT

Someone brought up the North Koreans saying their football players were ‘struck by lightning’ last night.

Meanwhile, in Uganda…

/wait how doesre: #58 jamesfirecat

By the way guys… we’ve got some bad news over here that probably isn’t going to sink in for a while… our older cat who we’ve had since I was like 5… is probably on her way out… most likely some kind of tumor/lymphoma. We got her a shot but it’s a short term kind of thing, barring some kind surprise turn around.

It sucks how the pets who we trust so much are doomed to grow up so much faster than we do.

Anyway I’ll try and enjoy what time I have left with her since that’s all you can ever really do in a situation like this..


((upding of solidarity, plus 3: doesn’t really work as the sad version of :3 ))