
Trump: "Putin's Not Going Into Ukraine, OK? Well, He's There in a Certain Way."

Targetpractice7/31/2016 12:50:44 pm PDT

re: #58 Dr Lizardo

Also, let’s all remember that Trump has long felt spurned by New York City’s “High Society” - something he very much wants to be a part of, as it would justify his feelings of superiority. That NYC’s Society Set looks down him infuriates Trump to no end; and when he loses, it’ll be even worse for him….he will become a laughing stock, the butt of jokes and if there’s something we’ve all observed about Trump, that is something he will simply not tolerate - he’s too thin-skinned and his ego is incredibly fragile.

I wouldn’t be at all surprised - not one damn bit - if Trump pulled up stakes and moved to Russia, or at least seriously considered such a move. Because he will be even more looked down upon by the Big Apple’s movers and shakers and his rage will go off the charts.

That’s why I expect the epic breakdown, because Trump’s ego will not allow him to concede and odds are there’s no way he’ll be able to turn enough votes to overturn the election results. So he’ll just dissolve into a condescended ball of furious rage, screaming that he didn’t lose, he was “robbed” and the American people know the “truth.” And that will be the rallying cry for the wingnuts for the next 4 years.