
A Picture of the End of a War

Jack Burton in Mactified Forshion8/30/2021 8:01:49 pm PDT

re: #82 The Ghost of a Flea

He’s scared shitless and his GP is apparently some old dude who’s also scared and uncertain.

Assuming this guy isn’t an anti-vaxxer in general or a raging wingnut pretending to be scared of not having FreeDUMB, and is honestly afraid of *something*, what the fuck is he afraid of?

Seriously, I don’t get these people. People have been taking these shots for well over a year if you count the trials. No one has died from the mRNA ones, and a couple of people out of *millions* got blood clots from the Adenovirus ones. Seriously WTF does he think is going to happen that hasn’t happened yet? Blood clots that wait 2+ years to show up? Sterility? Cancer? Fucking Autism? What?