
Seth Meyers: Fox Slams Trump After Trump Rips DeSantis on Fox in Ongoing GOP Civil War

Targetpractice3/30/2023 12:27:16 am PDT

It’s already ridiculous that in the year 2023 I’ve got so many people wanting to pay for a pile of stuff from our market with physical money when I know they’ve got credit cards and debit cards. Doubly so when they insist upon using a fistful of coins as though they just went digging through their couch cushions just to make a food run. But when you sit there, digging in your change purse with one hand while a fistful of bills is in your other, I really wanna just reach across the desk and whap them upside the head.

About as ridiculous as the people staying in a hotel with full kitchens in every room insisting upon buying overpriced bottle water when they can get it from the tap for free. And before you say “But they might be from out of town…,” at least 2/3 of the folks staying here right now are locals who grew up with this water. I must be one of the few of my generation who grew up with a grandmother who’d nag me to death for buying bottled water when there’s plenty of water coming out of the tap.