
Outrageous Outrages Flowing at Much Higher Rate Than Previously Estimated

HRH Stanley Sea5/30/2010 12:51:12 pm PDT

re: #81 Renaissance_Man

You’re wrong. The ‘left’, whatever you consider that to be, may have been ridiculously negative and given to unfair and untrue demonising of Bush during his presidency. Some elements were nutty and spectacularly crazy. That much is true.

However, to say that it is the same is wrong. It manifestly is not. There is no equivalence to this level of entrenched, organised, and blatantly false conspiracy-mongering and hate that we see right now. Nor, might I add, is there any equivalence in the violence that is springing from the rhetoric.


I certainly don’t recall any Geometry teachers plotting the trajectory of a bullet to President Bush. (I cannot let this one go)