
Overnight Open Thread

Walter L. Newton4/30/2009 10:02:44 am PDT

re: #1171 bolivar

Give the entire story Walter - he has explained this repeatedly. He wants his policies (therefore him) to fail and they are likely to do just that. They will not work - nationalization of anything is not going to fly. When people find out how badly the UAW runs Chrysler and that you get what you pay for nobody will buy a car from them. The banks sorely regret ever taking the TARP money and now the messiah will not take their money back. I am so sorry this assclown ever got even the nomination let alone elected. The rest of the country will be and it will be too late I am afraid. At least Limbaugh is trying to make people aware - with humor when it is appropriate and flat out calling it as he sees it when not.

I understand what you are saying, but then again, if you listen to him on his show, there are times when he seems to even go beyond what he has said, he sounds like he want the whole thing to go down the tubes.

It’s really me more than anything, I just don’t like Rush. I don’t find him funny or interesting. There are times, when he drops the snideness, the cheeky humor and just makes some point, those times he comes across as very spot on.

But, for me, most of the time, he’s a jerk. Like I say, it’s probably more that I just don’t care for him than anything.

It’s my problem really.