
The Door Opens - Update: The Door Closes

Dante4110/02/2009 8:43:15 pm PDT

re: #610 celticdragon

Also, writing up that email on the Alpha Legion as we speak. It should say “Johann”, but the name is really Nate.

Cool! :)

I can send you some of the background I did for our last Apocalypse Game I hosted at my home (22 gamers was a bit much…)


A Report on Fryginia Secundus for His Excellency, Inquisitor Lord
Francis Grenel
Prepared by Jenel Felistran, Explicator, Ordo Malleus
Thought for the day: No one is truly innocent. There are only varying degrees of guilt.
Fryginia Secundus
Orb. Distance: 1.34 AU
0.93 G/Temp 12 degrees C
Civilized world
Tithe Grade: Decuma Prima
Aestmare: A350
Population: 13,000,000,000

Abstract and Overview

Fryginia Secundus constitutes one half of a binary planet designation in the Fryginia System. Fryginia Primus and Fryginia Secundus are roughly equal in mass and diameter, and orbit each other over a period of approximately 22 Terran Standard days. Fryginia Primus is an industrialized world, and constitutes the main trade partner of, and food recipient from, Fryginia Secundus. There are a total of 8 major planets in the system, five of which are inhabited to some degree for mining, industry or military purposes apart from the Fryginia subset.

22 players?! In an APOCOLYPSE game?! That must been Hell to manage, but epic beyond all description to behold.