
Wired Responds to Glenn Greenwald's Accusations

Walter L. Newton12/29/2010 7:42:51 am PST

re: #644

Check out lawhawk’s link.

Apparently, things were so badly mismanaged, emergency crews were unable to get through, and there are reports (unconfirmed as far as I know right know), that a mother and her baby died.

Yes, there have probably been worse snow events; however, the ill effects of this one have been pretty severe, due to lack of planning from what I can see.

And the lack of the public from being helpful. I remember snow events like this in Brooklyn, everyone on the block would get out, start shoveling, help each other dig out the cars plowed under by the road crews, throw the snow up against the brownstones to get it off the curb and sidewalk, and then do the whole thing over when the plows came around again.

And I’m not ignoring the mismanagement, reread my comment. I’ve never seen such lousy maintenance. This is the east coast, it’s not south Florida, they KNOW how to maintain the streets in a large snow event, but they’ve gotten lazy and bogged down in public servant politics.