
Oh Noes! It's Oligarhy!

Aye Pod8/30/2009 8:34:57 pm PDT

re: #676 sattv4u2

So let me get this right (because I REALLY have to drive home now!)

ONE person shows up at a Bush rally with a gun (a couple of times), it’s just an isolated incident
ONE person shows up at an Obama rally with a gun (a couple of times) and it’s an oraganized coup! (snip)

You see Jimmah, here’s my problem. I’ve se LOADS of people here and conservatives elswhere condemning the idiot(s) that showed up with a gun to an Obama rally, but I see you as dismissing the same behaviour at a Bush rally as an “isolated incident”

Have I got that right now, Jimmah??

I am correctly describing them as isolated incidents that had no organisational backing behind them or mainstream promotion. In complete contrast, we are witnessing the makings of a gun totin’ crusade on the part of elements of the right, with backing from mainstream right wing pundits and politicians. How many times does this point have to be made before it finds it’s way into your head?

The message really isn’t getting through to you is is satt? And remember, we are still only a few months into Obama’s presidency:

A man was spotted Monday afternoon carrying a semi-automatic assault rifle and a pistol at a pro-health care reform rally next to the Veterans of Foreign Wars convention in Arizona where President Obama was speaking.

This is the third report in a week of someone bringing a gun to an event where the President was speaking. Last Tuesday a man was arrested before Obama’s New Hampshire health care town hall for carrying an unlicensed loaded gun. Also outside the New Hampshire town hall, a man was seen with a (legal) handgun strapped to his leg, holding a sign referencing the famous Jefferson quote: “The tree of liberty must be refreshed from time to time, with the blood of patriots and tyrants.”

UPDATE: The Associated Press is now reporting that there were actually about a dozen armed people among the protesters in Phoenix:

Based on the news that health care events are edging into violence, an anti-health care reform protester in New Mexico named Scott Oskay is calling on his hundreds of online followers to bring firearms to town halls, and to ‘badly hurt’ SEIU and ACORN counter protesters.

MSNBC just aired footage of the crowd gathering at the Obama town hall meeting on health care that’s supposed to start later today in New Hampshire and pointed out one man in a group holding protest signs with a gun in a holster on his hip. Apparently not a law officer, but a civilian.

Late Update: Also important to note, the gun-toting protestor was holding a sign referencing the Jefferson quote: “The tree of liberty must be refreshed from time to time, with the blood of patriots and tyrants.”

Gabrielle Giffords Town Hall: Gun Left Behind

Town hall disruptions around the country have led to some outbreaks of violence. Unions participating in town halls have received death threats. At an event held by Rep. Gabrielle Giffords (D-Ariz.) last week, the threat of violence led her aides to call the police after one attendee dropped a gun.
“Yelling and screaming is counterproductive,” she told the Sierra Vista Herald at a Congress on Your Corner event last week. There, one visitor dropped a gun at the meet n’ greet held in a Douglas Safeway, her staff says.