
Radical Anti-Choice Personhood Groups Host 'Presidential Pro-Life Forum'

boxhead12/28/2011 6:11:31 am PST

re: #384 Targetpractice, Worst of Both Worlds

So you believe that, once released from prison, a felon should have no restrictions placed upon them? That once you leave prison, society is to treat you as though you did nothing wrong to begin with?

What I am saying is that once a person has paid his debt to society, that person should be a full Citizen. If a ex con cannot be trusted with a legal weapon, then why release them? Illegal guns are not hard to find. Note that most, if not all prisoners who leave prison are still under parole rules for some time.

This angle I am taking is more of a philosophical one and not my own opinions. But I do think I have a problem with society having a large group of Citizens with restricted Rights while trying to live just like the rest of us.